課程系列 | 地區 | 課程時數 | 開課日期 | 上課時間 | 會員費用 | 非會員費用 |
ISO 22301營運持續管理系統 | 台北 | 40 hr | 2024.04.26 - 2024.04.30 | 共五天,9:00~18:00 | 40,000 | 50,000 |
TÜV NORD CERT GmbH 註冊之CQI & IRCA主導稽核員會員登錄核准登錄號No: 2312
The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of business continuity management systems against ISO 22301, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO 17021, as applicable. In detail the course will
provide students with the basis to become a competent Lead Auditor, amongst others via the following:
- Purpose of a business continuity management system,of business continuity management system standards,of management system audit and of third-party certification
- Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and
follow up a business continuity management system audit in accordance with ISO 19011 and get the skills to establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO 22301 via exercises and role play - Generating audit findings
- Plan-Do-Check-Act framework
- Differences between first-party, second-party and third-party certification audit
- Benefits of third-party accredited certification
- Terminology defined in the standard
- Requirements for BCMS documented information
Successful completion of the course (including examination) will result in issuance of a certificate which may be used to support an application to become registered as an IRCA BCMS auditor. Being certified as an IRCA auditor is a clear statement that you are a a recognized, qualified and capable auditing professional.
Knowledge of the requirements of ISO 22301 and the knowledge of the principles and concepts for business continuity management principles, including the purpose and benefits of a business impact analysis, the principles of risk assessment and analysis, typical business continuity strategies, business continuity response options, BCMS performance metrics, monitoring and performance measurement as well as exercise and testing methodologies will help to complete the course successfully.
All those who require detailed knowledge of BCMS auditing processes are welcome. Management system consultants, management involved in ISO 22301 implementation and maintenance, personnel working with regulatory authorities, personnel carrying out 1st, 2nd and 3rd party audits and all those who require a detailed knowledge of the BCMS audit process.
研習期滿,經中文考試合格,可取得CQI & IRCA主任審核員訓練合格之國際證書
陳宜慧 小姐
地址:台北市大安區﹝106﹞敦化南路二段333號9樓A1 室